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Viral Bioinformatics Research Centre
Chris Upton, University of Victoria, Canada
by cupton ·
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The advantages of this new tool are:
by admin · Published January 25, 2017
It's my #Twitterversary! I have been on Twitter for 12 years, since 26 Jun 2008 (via @twi_age).
Top #tweeted story in #bioinformatics: Liftoff: an accurate gene annotation mapping tool | bioRxiv, see more
Reminder: Do you use the Pathway Tools software? We urgently need your letters of support for our grant application by today! See Your letter doesn't need to be long; please help us out any way you can! #Bioinformatics
Our ProFit software is now available as a docker image! Zero install, just download a little wrapper script and run it. #zeroinstall #docker #structuralbiology #bioinformatics