About Us

Upton lab

Principal Investigator:
Chris Upton, Ph.D. (home page)
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia

Phone: 250-721-6507
Email: cupton@uvic.ca


I have a long-standing interest in viral bioinformatics, especially in the identification/prediction of the function of viral genes. It is clear that standard search techniques are not always adequate to recognize distantly, but significantly related sequences. Examples include the identification of the myxoma interferon-gamma binding protein and the vaccinia uracil DNA glycosylase. We have also predicted viral genes by examining pI and amino acid content of ORFs.
We also develop databases and software tools to analyze viral genomes. These tools are useful for the characterization of viral genes, proteins and genomes; they are especially useful for comparative genomic studies and all have user-friendly graphical interfaces. We focus on supporting virus families that have dsDNA genomes, however, most of the tools are useful for the analysis of any gene/protein.

You can also find me on Twitter:   @cupton1
and at this news site:   www.scoop.it/t/viral-bioinformatics