HiSeq move over, here comes Nova! A first look at Illumina NovaSeq

So Illumina has announced the next revolution of sequencers– the NovaSeq. Read an opinion here: “Illumina have announced NovaSeq, an entirely new sequencing system that completely disrupts their existing HiSeq user-base.  In my opinion, if you have a HiSeq and you are NOT currently engaged in planning to migrate to NovaSeq, then you will be out of business in 1-2 years time.  It’s not quite the death knell for HiSeqs, but it’s pretty close and moving to NovaSeq over the next couple of years is now the only viable option if you see Illumina as an important part of your offering.”See it on Scoop.it, via Viruses and Bioinformatics from Virology.uvic.ca
HiSeq move over, here comes Nova! A first look at Illumina NovaSeq
Source: Viral Bioinformatics

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