Evolution Weekend: Now More Than Ever!

Now more than ever!

For the past 11 years, hundreds of religious congregations, congregations from a wide array of religious persuasions and from all corners of the world, have come together to celebrate the interface between religion and science. From Baptists to Buddhists, United Methodists to Unitarians, Jews to Muslims and so many more, almost a million people have celebrated the weekend closest to the birth of Charles Darwin (12 February 1809) as Evolution Weekend.

On this weekend, for 11 years, religious leaders and parishioners have raised the quality of the supposed debate between religion and science. They have made it clear that their deeply held religious faith does not preclude accepting, promoting and, yes, celebrating the best modern science has to offer. They have made it clear, in fact, that there really isn’t a debate between religion and science, that both have much to offer. They have also made it clear that the loud but relatively small group of religious fundamentalists who claim that religion and science are often in direct conflict with one another are not speaking for the majority. And they have made it clear that the version of fundamentalism being promoted by this group is at odds with their own religious beliefs.

For 11 years, religious leaders and parishioners have collectively recognized that science is a powerful tool, a way of gaining insight into the world around us, a means to bring us together.

For 11 years, members of The Clergy Letter Project, the sponsor of Evolution Weekend, have worked collaboratively across religious differences in their shared belief that religion and science can strengthen one another.

This year, this message, this celebration, is more important than ever.

Ed Rybicki’s insight:
Not virological, but evolution – and a really good cause!

Evolution Weekend: Now More Than Ever!
Source: Virology News

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