phyx: Phylogenetic tools for Unix

Summary: The ease with which phylogenomic data can be generated has drastically escalated the computational burden for even routine phylogenetic investigations. To address this, we present phyx: a collection of programs written in C ++ to explore, manipulate, analyze, and simulate phylogenetic objects (alignments,trees, and MCMC logs). Modelled after Unix/GNU/Linux command line tools, individual programs perform a single task and operate on standard I/O streams that can be piped to quickly and easily form complex analytical pipelines. Because of the stream-centric paradigm, memory requirements are minimized (often only a single tree or sequence in memory at any instance), and hence phyx is capable of efficiently processing very large data sets. Availability and Implementation: phyx runs on POSIX-compliant operating systems. Source code, installation instructions, documentation, and example files are freely available under the GNU General Public License at it on, via Viruses and Bioinformatics from
phyx: Phylogenetic tools for Unix
Source: Viral Bioinformatics

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