In Africa, HPV16 accounted for 13% HPV-positive WHIV with normal cytology, but this proportion increased through ASCUS/LSIL/CIN1/CIN2 (18–25%), up to 41–47% for CIN3/ICC. Only HPV16, 18 and 45 accounted for a greater proportion of HPV infections in ICC compared to normal cytology (ICC:normal ratios 3.68, 2.47 and 2.55, respectively). Other HR types accounted for important proportions of low- and/or high-grade lesions but their contribution dropped in ICC, with ICC:normal ratios in Africa ranging from 0.79 for HPV33 down to 0.38 for HPV56. Findings for HPV16 and 18 in Europe/North America, Asia and Latin America were compatible with those from Africa.
HPV16 and 18 in particular, but also HPV45, at least in Africa, warrant special attention in WHIV. Broad consistency of findings with those in HIV-uninfected population would suggest that the risk stratification offered by partial HPV genotyping tests have relevance also to HIV-positive women.
I thank Russell Kightley Media for the cervical cancer / HPV graphics
Ed Rybicki’s insight:
Valuable piece of work – and shows that HPV-45 is a lot more prevalent in cervical cancer in Africa
Carcinogenicity of human papillomavirus types in HIV-positive women
Source: Virology News