REVIEW-ARTICLE Bioinformatics: an overview and its applications. – PubMed – NCBI

Genet Mol Res. 2017 Mar 15;16(1). doi: 10.4238/gmr16019645. Review Technological advancements in recent years have promoted a marked progress in understanding the genetic basis of phenotypes. In line with these advances, genomics has changed the paradigm of biological questions in full genome-wide scale (genome-wide), revealing an explosion of data and opening up many possibilities. On the other hand, the vast amount of information that has been generated points the challenges that must be overcome for storage (Moore’s law) and processing of biological information. In this context, bioinformatics and computational biology have sought to overcome such challenges. This review presents an overview of bioinformatics and its use in the analysis of biological data, exploring approaches, emerging methodologies, and tools that can give biological meaning to the data generated.See it on, via Viruses and Bioinformatics from
REVIEW-ARTICLE Bioinformatics: an overview and its applications. – PubMed – NCBI
Source: Viral Bioinformatics

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