Prioritize the needs of the audience when giving a presentation

I usually begin my presentation training class by showing such an overly complicated slide. “Why would anyone show this?” I ask. Participants often offer diverse motivations, from overcoming anxiety (“I like having all my data in front of me”) to ease (“The figure was from a journal article, so it was easy to copy”) to avoidance (“No one could ask a question about such a confusing slide”). I hear many justifications, but they tend to have a common theme: all serve the speaker, not the audience. Unknowingly, speakers make it easier for themselves at the expense of their audience. Correcting this misdirection is the key to creating and delivering an effective scientific presentation.See it on, via Viruses, Immunology & Bioinformatics from
Prioritize the needs of the audience when giving a presentation
Source: Viral Bioinformatics

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