PVsiRNAdb: a database for plant exclusive virus-derived small interfering RNAs | Database | Oxford Academic
We have developed `PVsiRNAdb (http://www.nipgr.res.in/PVsiRNAdb)’, a manually curated plant-exclusive database harboring information related to vsiRNAs found in different virus-infected plants collected by exhaustive data mining of published literature so far. This database contains a total of 322 214 entries and 282 549 unique sequences of vsiRNAs. In PVsiRNAdb, detailed and comprehensive information is available for each vsiRNA sequence. Apart from the core information consisting of plant, tissue, virus name and vsiRNA sequence, additional information of each vsiRNAs (map position, length, coordinates, strand information and predicted structure) may be of high utility to the user. See it on Scoop.it, via Viruses, Immunology & Bioinformatics from Virology.uvic.ca
PVsiRNAdb: a database for plant exclusive virus-derived small interfering RNAs | Database | Oxford Academic
Source: Viral Bioinformatics