Herpesvirus Internet Resources
These links will provide some general background for students etc.
Researchers looking for detailed information from the scientific literature should visit the Research Review pages.
Viral Bioinformatics Research Centre
Chris Upton, University of Victoria, Canada
These links will provide some general background for students etc.
Researchers looking for detailed information from the scientific literature should visit the Research Review pages.
It's my #Twitterversary! I have been on Twitter for 12 years, since 26 Jun 2008 (via @twi_age).
Top #tweeted story in #bioinformatics: Liftoff: an accurate gene annotation mapping tool | bioRxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.24.169680v1, see more http://tweetedtimes.com/v/1343?s=tnp
Reminder: Do you use the Pathway Tools software? We urgently need your letters of support for our grant application by today! See http://www.ai.sri.com/pkarp/misc/ptletter.txt. Your letter doesn't need to be long; please help us out any way you can! #Bioinformatics
Our ProFit software is now available as a docker image! Zero install, just download a little wrapper script and run it. #zeroinstall #docker #structuralbiology #bioinformatics http://www.bioinf.org.uk/software/profit/