Making authentic science accessible—the benefits and challenges of integrating bioinformatics into a high-school science curriculum

Despite the central place held by bioinformatics in modern life sciences and related areas, it has only recently been integrated to a limited extent into high-school teaching and learning programs. Here we describe the assessment of a learning environment entitled ‘Bioinformatics in the Service of Biotechnology’…. Analysis of students’ affective outcomes revealed positive attitudes toward bioinformatics and the learning environment, as well as their perception of the teacher’s role. Insights from this analysis yielded implications and recommendations for curriculum design, classroom enactment, teacher education and research. For example, we recommend teaching bioinformatics in an integrative and comprehensive manner, through an inquiry process, and linking it to the wider science curriculum.See it on, via Viruses and Bioinformatics from
Making authentic science accessible—the benefits and challenges of integrating bioinformatics into a high-school science curriculum
Source: Viral Bioinformatics

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