Tool Help

Tool Main Help Page

Quick Start Pages:

First time using one of the VBRC tools? Then this is the place to start. A lot of effort has gone into making the tools and website intuitive to use, but the software has a lot of functionality and these Quick Start pages will help give you an idea of what you can accomplish.

Genome Annotation Transfer Utility (GATU)
Codon Statistics 
Hydrophobicity Grapher
Sequence Searcher (SeqS)
Suffix Tree Searcher (STS)

How To Documentation:

This documentation will provide step-by-step examples of the common and more powerful features of the software. Again, browsing through the headings for this documentation will quickly give you some idea of what the software can do.

Viral Orthologous Clusters (VOCs)
Viral Genome Organizer (VGO)
Base-By-Base (BBB)
Java Dot Plot Alignments (JDotter)
Genome Annotation Transfer Utility (GATU)
Codon Statistics
Hydrophobicity Grapher
Sequence Searcher (SeqS)

Help Books for VBRC Tools:

This is the detailed documentation describing each of the features/menu items of the tools. You can generate PDFs of this material.

Viral Orthologous Clusters (VOCs)
Viral Genome Organizer (VGO)
Base-By-Base (BBB)
Java Dot Plot Alignments (JDotter)
Recent Hits Acquired from Blast (ReHAB)
Java GUI for INterProScan (JIPS)
Genome Annotation Transfer Utility (GATU)
Local Alignment with JAVA (Laj) Gallery Documentation
Suffix Tree Searcher (STS) Manual